Mali: 46 Ivorian soldiers to be released, agreement signed between the two countries.

An Ivorian delegation led by the Minister of Defence, Téné Birahima Ouattara, met with Malian authorities in Bamako with the aim of finding a successful outcome to the case of the 46 Ivorian soldiers detained since 10 July 2022.

Following the closed-door meeting, Mali and Côte d’Ivoire signed a memorandum that will serve as a basis for a solution to the release of the Ivorian soldiers. At the end of the talks, the Malian presidency announced that this agreement should promote peace between the two countries in order to overcome this event between two brotherly countries.

The work, led by the Togolese mediator, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Robert Dussey, welcomed the memorandum, “we are happy to be witnesses and co-signatories of the commitment that the two parties, the Malian and Ivorian sides, have made in Bamako.

This observation was shared by the Ivorian minister who referred to an issue that is being resolved, “as you know, there was a misunderstanding between the Republic of Mali and the Republic of Côte d’Ivoire a few months ago. It was good that we could meet to talk about it. This is what we did with our Malian brothers and President Assimi Goïta did us the honour of receiving me so that I could convey the message of President Alassane Ouattara,” said Téné Birahima Ouattara, Ivorian Minister of State, Minister of Defence.

The Malian diplomat stressed that “since their arrival we have been able to work on both sides to overcome this event by preserving the ties that exist between our countries and to do so, we favor the path of dialogue, the diplomatic way to find a solution.

This new development is the leak of Togolese diplomacy. The commitment of the Togolese President in the case of Ivorian soldiers is the result of an active diplomacy in West Africa in favour of peace.

Miss OLY