Burkina Faso: Captain Ibrahim Traoré continues his commitment to improving the living conditions of his people

At the heart of crucial issues for the well-being of the Burkinabe population lies the question of access to healthcare. In this regard, Captain Ibrahim Traoré, an emblematic figure of social commitment and development in Burkina Faso, once again demonstrates his determination to improve the living conditions of his people.

During the cabinet meeting on Wednesday, under the auspices of the Ministry of Public Service, Labor, and Social Protection, a crucial decree was adopted.

This decree pertains to the determination of conditions and modalities for the distribution, collection of contributions, and deadlines for payment to the National Universal Health Insurance Fund (CNAMU).

The main objective of this decree is to establish sustainable sources of funding for the Universal Health Insurance Scheme (RAMU), thereby ensuring its operationalization.

The adoption of this decree is of paramount importance as it marks the beginning of the concrete implementation of RAMU.

This scheme will benefit Volunteers for the Defense of the Homeland, paramilitary personnel, public and private sector workers, as well as all other segments of the population.

This major advancement is in perfect conformity with Law No. 060-2015/CNT of September 5, 2015, concerning the Universal Health Insurance Scheme in Burkina Faso.

In this dynamic, the pivotal role of Captain Ibrahim Traoré cannot be ignored. His unwavering commitment to the well-being of his fellow citizens is evident through his active support for crucial initiatives such as this one.

Indeed, as a visionary leader and advocate for social progress, Captain Ibrahim Traoré embodies the hope for a better future for Burkina Faso.

President Ibrahim Traoré’s perseverance in promoting inclusive social policies and concrete measures to ensure access to healthcare for all attests to his dedication to his people.

Olivier TOE