Burkina Faso: ALT President Ousmane Bougouma says the budget we have just adopted “is a budget of hope”.

The president of ALT, Ousmane Bougouma, called on the members of the government to ensure that resources are used wisely. It should be noted that this budget amounts to CFAF 2,631.3 billion in revenue and CFAF 3,235.9 billion in expenditure.

“The budget we have just adopted is a resilience budget, a combat budget. It is a budget that brings hope and particularly materializes the efforts of the Burkinabe people who express their hopes for the future.

I remind the government that it is in pain and blood that the people are making these efforts. This is the price they pay for their security throughout the national territory. Also, on behalf of my fellow deputies, I express the wish that these resources be used efficiently to carry out the missions of the transition.

That is to say, the proper use of these resources must be the order of the day, the government must set an example and be an example. Moreover, the Transitional Legislative Assembly, as the parliamentary body of the transition, will engage in the necessary controls at the appropriate time to ensure the proper use of these resources,” he warned.

He added: “Our control criteria will be guided by the mission of the transition, namely the fight against terrorism, the restoration of territorial integrity, the response to the humanitarian crisis, the rebuilding of the State and the improvement of governance, reconciliation and social cohesion”, he concluded while wishing a happy Nativity Day to all Burkinabe and expressing the hope that this celebration will bring peace and stability to the country of the upright men.

Miss OLY