Sahel: Air France and the colossal losses in West Africa

The past year has been a financial nightmare for the airline Air France, with economic losses amounting to billions of FCFA. Since the airline’s withdrawal from certain African countries, Air France has had to undergo a period of reinvention to avoid fading into obscurity.

Air France’s departure from Niger, Mali, and Burkina Faso has had a devastating impact on its revenues, resulting in significant financial losses.

These African countries were key destinations for the airline, and their absence from Air France’s itinerary has created a difficult void to fill.

In response to this situation, Air France has had to rethink its strategy to maintain its position in the African market.

The company is now considering introducing a new service in one of these African countries, with the aim of reconnecting with this lost clientele and rebuilding its presence on the continent.

This new strategy marks a crucial step for Air France as it seeks to recover from financial losses and regain its position in the African aviation landscape.

The African market offers significant growth potential, and the airline is determined to recapture its share of this competitive market.

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Neil  Camara