Niger: FDS neutralise an armed terrorist group in Maichilmi

On Thursday, November 16, 2023, the people of Maichilmi, a village in the north-east of the Tillabéri region of Niger, witnessed a significant event. On that day, the country’s Defence and Security Forces (FDS) successfully thwarted a terrorist group, eliminating an imminent threat.

According to “Infos Militaires,” a Nigerien security source, the confrontation occurred as eight terrorists were engaging in radical preaching in the locality. The attackers had already set fire to the village school, targeting Western influence with an act of violence and gathering pupils and teachers.

The FDS, on patrol in the area, surprised the extremists, swiftly engaging in a series of attacks that neutralized all eight terrorists. This prompt action prevented further damage, ensuring the safety of teaching staff and pupils, as well as the physical integrity of the Niger soldiers.

The bodies of the terrorists, along with the recovered equipment, including weapons and motorbikes, were publicly displayed, highlighting the success of the FDS operation.

This victory is part of a larger effort in the Tillabéri region, where insecurity is exacerbated by the proximity to the Malian border. Terrorist groups, driven by an insatiable appetite for violence, cross the border to commit various acts, from cattle rustling to targeted attacks on civilians and the FDS.

On November 4, 2023, the Niger Armed Forces (FAN) killed seven terrorists northwest of Filingué. The assailants, fleeing from Bonkoukou, where they had killed two civilians and wounded three others, were intercepted by an FAN detachment. The energetic response from the Niger forces ended the threat without any casualties among the soldiers.

These recent successes underscore the unwavering commitment of Niger’s Defence and Security Forces in the fight against terrorism, aiming to protect life and stability in the Tillabéri region.

Fayçal BADIE