Burkina Faso: Fake news specialists still on mission

The haters of Burkina Faso and its people are far from resting. They constantly seek new subjects, regardless of their nature, to distract the now astute and discerning populace.

The accidental shell firing on Wednesday, June 12, within the RTB compound continues to fuel the false accounts and social media pages of these hidden enemies.

They claim, to anyone willing to listen, that the incident was caused by soldiers rebelling against the transitional regime and that President Ibrahim Traoré, the steadfast leader, was forced to flee as a result.

In truth, this is what they hoped for, and since it didn’t happen, they are now trying to sow doubt and confusion among Burkinabe citizens, distracting those committed to their country’s liberation and demoralizing them.

They aim to incite military revolt or severely damage the dignity of the soldiers, thus impacting their positive energy dedicated to fighting terrorism and reclaiming national territory.

This strategy is well-known and, once again, will not yield the desired results. The fight is already well underway, far ahead of these schemes.

As the enemies of the nation, collaborators with imperialists and neocolonialists, bark like mad dogs, Captain Ibrahim Traoré and his valiant fighters are actively working to protect the country and their compatriots.

The role of the enlightened population of Burkina Faso is to remain vigilant against these vile and ignorant individuals who will stop at nothing unless death catches them first.

It’s crucial not to show weakness to those who wish harm, but rather to become stronger and maintain absolute control over the situation.

Maurice K. ZONGO