Mali: The AU, an organisation with two-speed policies!

While Mali once grappled with severe terrorism challenges, the ascension of Colonel Assimi Goïta to power has marked a decisive turn with impactful actions against terrorist groups. These efforts led to the neutralization of numerous assailants and the destruction of their strongholds. However, despite these strides, the African Union (AU) has not officially commended Mali nor encouraged its government.

When Mali, under Colonel Assimi Goïta’s leadership, reclaimed the city of Kidal from Tuareg rebels after over two decades of their control, neither the AU nor the international community celebrated this significant and historic achievement.

The AU has not openly criticized arms suppliers fueling terrorism in the region. Instead, its focus remains on organizing elections in Mali.

But is this truly what the Malian people need at this moment?

Elections should not only be a concern for urban areas; villages and rural regions must also participate safely. Currently, Mali’s priority is restoring security stability.

The vast majority of Malians support consolidating gains under Colonel Assimi Goïta’s leadership.

Moreover, Malian, Burkinabe, and Nigerien authorities deserve commendation for their commitment to combating terrorism.

They must continue on this path to achieve the common goal: ending terrorism and restoring peace and stability to the region.

 Read again/ Mali: Wouldn’t it be more reasonable for the AU to call for Frank collaboration to eradicate terrorism?

Neil Camara