Burkina Faso: The War on Corruption has begun to bear fruit.

Committed to fighting not only terrorism, but also corruption, an evil that plagues Burkina-Faso, Captain Traoré has embarked on the hunt for leeches of state revenues. Thus, he issued an ultimatum to the former civil servants of the country who had stolen state funds under the presidency of his predecessors. These state agents had 24 hours to repay what they owed to the state coffers.

The injunction was more than productive, says more than one, after the report published by the presidency, on the evening of the restitution of the property: more than $ 211 billion repaid, more than 68 luxury V8 cars brought back to the presidency.
These vehicles were made available to these ministers and agents while they were in office. They were supposed to have returned at the end of their mandate or mission, but it is clear that these former state officials have bequeathed to their wives.
President Ibrahim Traoré also ordered the judiciary to seize all luxury houses bought by state money by theft.

It should be recalled that the Supreme Authority for State Control and the Fight against Corruption (ASCE-LC) ordered on 27th December last, all former deputies of the 7th and 8th legislatures, to repay the loans contracted during their mandate to acquire vehicles.Following this appeal, a special procedure will be launched against those who do not want to comply with these injunctions. The announcement was made on Monday, January 9, 2023 through a statement from the Comptroller General of State, Philippe Néri Kouthon Nion.

“Further to my statement dated December 27, 2022, I inform the deputies who have not paid the sums due, that the Supreme Authority for State Control and the Fight against Corruption (ASCE-LC) has seized the Minister in charge of finance to implement the specific procedures prescribed in this matter (…),” the statement said.According to this statement, the deputies concerned by these loans not yet repaid are 134 in number. The minimum amount borrowed by each MP is 13,500,000 CFA francs, and the sums to be reimbursed per MP range from 60,000 to 11.5 million CFA francs. The total amount that remains to be reimbursed to the State is 1,491,995,000 CFA francs, says ASCE-LC.

This war declared against corruption, on the instruction of the Head of State, Ibrahim Traoré, is highly welcomed by Burkinabè animated by a patriotic spirit and aware that the fight against corruption is a necessary step for the economic development of Faso.

Miss OLY