Togo: Focus on the digitization of administrative procedures

Togo continues to push forward with its ambitious digital transformation plan, aiming to digitize 75% of its administrative processes by 2025.


This innovative policy is part of a broader strategy to modernize and streamline administrative efficiency.


The latest milestone in this initiative was reached on August 1, 2024, with the digitalization of eight new administrative procedures related to commercial and artisanal operations.


Under the initiative led by the Ministry of Commerce, Local Consumption, and Handicrafts, several new online services have been introduced.


In the commercial sector, the digitized services now include requests for prior import authorization of sensitive products, national market registration for foodstuffs, import/export cards, and certificates of origin outside the ECOWAS region.


For the artisan sector, the digitalization covers applications for professional cards, apprentice registrations, enrollment in the Certificate of Apprenticeship Completion (CFA) examination, and diploma requests.


The objectives of this digital push are multifaceted. By making services accessible online, the government aims to reduce processing times and enhance the quality of service delivery.


Digitalization also minimizes direct interactions between citizens and administrative officials, thereby decreasing opportunities for corruption.


Moreover, online services provide greater accessibility for individuals living in rural or remote areas, bringing administrative processes closer to those who need them most.


The commitment of Togo to adopting modern technology positions the country as a forward-thinking state aligned with 21st-century demands.


The move towards digitalizing administrative procedures represents a significant step towards creating a more modern, transparent, and efficient government.


By improving accessibility to public services and simplifying administrative processes, this initiative enhances the quality of life for citizens and strengthens public trust in government institutions.


Kodjovi Makafui