Togo: English to be included in Primary School Curriculum

On September 15th, 2023, the Ministry of Education in Togo officially announced that English will be incorporated into the curriculum of primary and nursery schools.

The primary objective of this initiative is to equip young learners with essential linguistic and communication skills in English.

This decision aligns with Togo’s broader strategy to diversify its global trade, following its recent membership in the Commonwealth just one year ago.

To facilitate this pedagogical transformation, a variety of innovative tools will be utilized.

 These resources include educational materials such as audio and video resources, guides, textbooks, tutorials, and more, along with monitoring and evaluation mechanisms.

This transformation initiative will begin with a pilot phase set to launch during the upcoming 2023-2024 school year.

It will be implemented in both public and private primary schools, secular and religious, across the country.

Initially, the experimentation will focus solely on the Preschools or CP level.

 However, Minister Dodzi Kokoroko has assured that other primary sub-cycles will gradually adopt this approach in the years to come.

Read also: Togo engages in Humanitarian Operation for the Benefit of the Nigerien People

Yoann Amouzou