The West’s double standards: Revolting hypocrisy towards African Nations

In the intricate web of global politics, a recurring theme persists: the narrative of double standards. This time, the spotlight falls on the AES, comprising Mali, Burkina Faso, and Niger, cast under the scrutinizing gaze of imperial powers. What unfolds is a glaring paradox where actions celebrated in one arena are swiftly condemned in another, revealing a stark hypocrisy that demands attention.

Recent events underscore this stark contrast. When Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky implemented stringent measures, including suspending political activities and elections, Western response remained eerily muted.

However, a similar move by Malian President Assimi Goïta drew immediate and vocal rebuke from Western media, casting shadows of doubt on the consistency of principles.

Zelensky’s rationale for his actions, framed within the context of combating threats, met with a nod of approval from certain quarters.

Yet, when such reasoning surfaces in an African context, it is swiftly labeled as an assault on democratic values.

What adds layers of irony to this narrative is the disparity in support. While Ukraine is bolstered in its response to perceived threats, the AES nations, grappling with equally grave security challenges, find themselves pressured to adhere to electoral timelines.

These pressures often come laced with punitive measures, reflecting a simplistic belief that elections alone can mend complex societal fractures.

The crux of this disparity is further exposed in the realm of resource allocation. While Western powers readily fund electoral processes in African nations, crucial resources to combat terrorism remain inadequately addressed, leaving AES leaders navigating a precarious balancing act.

It is imperative for the West to shed its patronizing stance towards the AES.

Genuine respect and consideration are owed to every region, irrespective of geographical boundaries.

Solutions to African challenges must stem from inclusive dialogues and partnerships founded on mutual respect and understanding, steering away from unilateral impositions and embracing collaborative approaches for sustainable progress.

Maurice K. ZONGO