NIGER:  There will be no increase in price of electricity

In a move welcomed with enthusiasm and relief by the people of Niger, the government, in its Saturday, March 2nd cabinet meeting, made a crucial decision regarding electricity costs – a freeze on prices for the entire year of 2024.

Mindful of the economic challenges faced by the Nigerien population and eager to alleviate their burdens, the transitional government, during its weekly meeting last Saturday, announced the decision to freeze electricity prices for the year 2024.

Despite the recent global surge in oil prices, the cost of a kilowatt-hour supplied by the national company Nigelec will not see an increase.

At the initiative of the Minister of Energy, the Nigerien government issued a decree extending the current price structure by 12 months.

Originally slated for an increase on January 1st to reflect the rising price of diesel, the primary source of electricity production in Niger, the planned electricity price hike has now been postponed.

Recognizing the financial strain on households due to inflation and political instability, the government aims to ease the financial burden on the population. The kilowatt-hour price will thus remain unchanged throughout the year, sparing citizens from additional expenses.

This political decision is geared towards maintaining social peace. To compensate for the potential losses incurred by this move for the Nigelec company, the government will provide exceptional subsidies.

It is a substantial sacrifice on the government’s part, but Transitional President Abdourahamane Tiani, concerned about the well-being of the population, deemed it necessary given the current socio-political situation.

Fayçal BADIE