Niger: The OIF in turn suspends the country for “coup d’état”

The International Organization of La Francophonie (OIF), in response to the seizure of power by the CNSP on July 28, 2023, has decided to suspend Niger. The decision by the Permanent Council of la Francophonie (CPF) was communicated in a press release dated December 19, 2023.

Six months after the arrival of the National Council for the Safeguard of the Homeland (CNSP) to power, the OIF, in a statement, announces the suspension of Niger.

The Permanent Council of the Francophonie denounces a “coup d’état” following the events of July 26, 2023, which brought Brigadier General Abdourahamane Tiani to power on July 28.

The OIF follows in the footsteps of ECOWAS and, belatedly, calls for the release of the ousted President Mohamed Bazoum and his government, who are still in detention on corruption charges at the highest level of the state. Additionally, the International Francophonie Organization calls for the “rapid restoration of constitutional order.”

«Adopting a resolution in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 5 of the Bamako Declaration, the CPF (Permanent Council of the Francophonie) has suspended the Republic of Niger from the Francophonie, with immediate effects, suspending the participation of its de facto representatives in meetings of Francophonie bodies, as well as the suspension of multilateral Francophone cooperation with this member state, except for programs directly benefiting civilian populations and those contributing to the restoration of democracy», the press release states.

Unofficially Official

For the OIF, this measure highlights its commitment to democratic principles.

However, in reality, it reflects deep unease following the arrest in Burkina Faso of four French agents from the DGSE and their detention for an alleged destabilization attempt.

Following the intelligence operation by Burkina Faso, materials were seized, revealing information about France’s involvement in two plans aiming at the physical elimination of the leaders of the transitional governments of Burkina Faso and Niger.

Furthermore, images of the presidencies of Burkina Faso and Niger were also discovered. As a result of the incident, the outcry compelled French diplomacy to consider closing its embassy in Niger.

But officially, diplomatic sources affirm on Thursday, December 21, that «it is no longer able to function normally or carry out its missions».

This marks a sudden halt in France’s international diplomacy, like a fatal glitch in a deceitful and conspiratorial machine, even as Paris completes the withdrawal of its troops from the country.

«The French Embassy in Niger is therefore no longer able to function normally or carry out its missions. Taking note of this situation, we have decided on the imminent closure of our embassy», they continued.

«In this context, we had to proceed with the dismissal and compensation of our local staff».

It is then understood that the magnitude of the DGSE’s blunder has significantly accelerated the rift between Paris and Niamey.

However, the sudden decision to close the embassy demonstrates that the plan to eliminate the President of the CNSP, Brigadier General Abdourahamane Tiani, by DGSE «musketeers», is indeed real.

Fayçal BADIE