Niger/Saving the Homeland: Significant advances listed by General TIANI

Significant progress has been made in recent months in the fight against terrorist groups and in safeguarding the Niger nation, according to the President of the CNSP and President of the Transition, Brigadier General TIANI.

He spoke on the subject on the occasion of the celebration of the bank holidays, which commemorates the 65th anniversary of Niger’s accession to international sovereignty, with the proclamation of the Republic.

When the National Council for the Safeguard of the Homeland (CNSP) came to power after the events of 26 July, a new global defence strategy was put in place to combat terrorism and all forms of aggression.

In the space of just a few months, the new authorities, while aware of the major challenges still to be met, are delighted with the gains made in terms of security.

Nigeriens under the new military regime can be proud of the many successes achieved by their valiant Defence and Security Forces (FDS).

According to Niger’s strongman, these successes have enabled the country to witness the gradual normalisation of the security situation.

By way of illustration, he mentioned the return of some displaced communities to their villages; the reopening of nearly two hundred (200) schools that had been closed for more than two years due to insecurity in the Tillaberi region.

In addition, the food and pharmaceutical supplies corridor has been secured, and socio-economic activities have resumed in several regions of the country, much to the delight of the local population.

General TIANI, without forgetting to pay tribute to the civilian and military victims of terrorism, took the opportunity to praise the commitment, sacrifice, self-sacrifice and professionalism of the Niger Defence Forces, which have made it possible to achieve these remarkable successes.

For him, the fight must continue apace, with the support and contribution of all Nigeriens, in collaboration with the other peoples of the Sahel, to achieve a great victory.

Read again/ Niger: ECOWAS clarifications on the situation in Niamey, a real organised comedy!!

Fayçal BADIE