Niger: Reflections on monetary sovereignty and the country’s exit from the CFA zone

On March 9, 2024, the Independent Circle of Citizen Reflection and Action (CIRAC) organized a public conference at the Press House in Niamey, Niger, focusing on monetary sovereignty. Under the theme «Monetary Sovereignty: Challenges and Implications of Niger’s Exit from the CFA Zone», this gathering brought together a diverse audience, including members of civil society and both retired and active professionals in the country.

The invited speakers, Woba Ali, a doctor in monetary and budgetary economics, and Abdo Hassan Maman, a doctor in international commerce, both affiliated with Abdou Moumouni University in Niamey, delivered engaging presentations.

Ahmed Ousman Diallo, a certified public accountant and audit commissioner from the BDA Audit Partners firm, moderated the discussion.

The presentations primarily addressed the explanations and illustrations regarding the advantages and difficulties associated with Niger’s departure from the CFA Zone.

Topics covered included the history of the CFA franc, central bank attributes, the distinction between a single currency and a common currency, and implications for trade.

Following the exchanges and discussions, CIRAC President Idi Ango Omar emphasized that the conference was organized in response to public demand expressed during previous events.

He clarified that the invited experts did not seek to dictate the country’s direction but aimed to enlighten participants on various facets of the subject.

He expressed the desire for the insights from these conferences to be widely disseminated, allowing every Nigerien to better grasp the country’s monetary challenges.

This conference thus provided a valuable opportunity for Nigerien citizens to be informed and engage in constructive debate on the complex issue of monetary sovereignty and its potential implications for the economic future of Niger.

Fayçal BADIE