Niger/France: The CNSP has reacted to the disturbing revelations made by a former French intelligence officer

«The government of the Republic of Niger and the CNSP strongly denounce the despicable statements made (…) by a former agent of the French intelligence services (DGDSE), referring to clandestine “destabilisation operations” » in Niger.

These are the statements made by the CNSP, the transitional body in Niger, in a denunciation of the aberrant but revealing remarks made by Vincent Crouzet, a French geopolitics expert and former member of the French secret service, on 25 September 2023 on the French television channel LCI.

In his analysis of the decision to repatriate the ambassador and withdraw French troops from Niger, Vincent Crouzet said, and I quote, «Now that our ambassador and our contingent are no longer hostages in Niger, we may have more leeway to mount destabilisation operations, this time more clandestine», end of quote.

No magic is needed to understand that France is conducting operations against Niger, as it is also doing in Burkina Faso and Mali.

According to Vincent Crouzet, the plan to withdraw the 1,500 French soldiers from Niger is nothing more than a strategy to shelter its nationals and then clandestinely intensify the destabilisation of the country.

This confirms the accusations made by the Sahel countries against France. This accusation of destabilisation and support for terrorism was reiterated at the UN General Assembly by three African countries.

 But in the face of these multiple accusations, the UN remains indifferent. It is up to the African people to lead this fight against the only enemy, France, in their own way.

The government of Niger has warned the attackers against any attempt to interfere in the country’s internal affairs.

The people of Niger stand firm against all odds that would undermine their national integrity.

Fayçal BADIE