MALI: The valiant FAMa army defeats terrorism in the Léré area

In an official communiqué from the Armed Forces General Staff, a combing operation called «Operation Maliko» has taken place in the Léré area. The FAMa informed the public of developments in the operations underway in sector No. 3, which covers the Léré area.

«Following an attack by the forces of evil against the Léré military camp on 17 September 2023, the FAMa are currently mobilised in sector N°3 to defend its positions and maintain the peace and security of the population…», the communiqué states, noting the FAMa’s firm determination «… to destroy the enemy, to dissuade it from committing any act of aggression…».

To protect the population, the Malian Armed Forces have carried out «several operations in recent weeks to counter potential threats».

Thanks to the successful counter-offensive methods of Colonel Assimi Goïta, President of the Republic of Mali, and the sense of duty shown by his troops,

«these operations have led to the capture of several individuals suspected of terrorist activities and have resulted in the seizure of a large quantity of arms and ammunition».

It is not at all surprising that this umpteenth «operation Maliko» by the FAMa should be another success, given that each operation is part of the anticipation and mobilisation of the troops.

The valiant army has improved security in the country and considerably reduced the terrorist threat.

«We will continue to act resolutely to guarantee long-term stability throughout the country», the statement continues.

Finally, the courage and dedication of the valiant army, determined to protect the population, were also praised.

«We are extremely proud of their professionalism and their constant commitment to duty», the statement added.

Fayçal BADIE