Mali: “The Economy is doing Well, debt is under control”, says Economy and Finance Minister

The economy of Mali has faced multiple shocks since 2020, yet it has remained resilient despite challenges in security, socio-political issues, and regional sanctions imposed in the first half of 2022.

Speaking on the national Malian channel ORTM, Minister of Economy and Finance Alhousseini Sanou stated that Mali has effectively managed its debt thanks to measures taken by the Transition government.

He emphasized that the country is doing well despite increasing difficulties and announced a projected growth rate of 5.1% in 2024, up from 4.7% the previous year.

The minister also confirmed a nearly balanced trade situation, with imports covering exports at 96% this year, compared to 94% the previous year.

The government has implemented measures, such as reducing taxes on the import of essential goods, to boost income and lower prices.

Despite the ongoing security crisis in the region, recent IMF estimates, published earlier this year, highlight Mali’s resilience.

This resilience is attributed to the supportive solidarity of the population towards the Transition authorities.

 It is crucial for this solidarity to continue strengthening Mali’s economic development.

It’s worth noting that the government has initiated the process of developing the Mali 2063 vision and the medium-term national development strategy, aiming to define long-term development strategies and priorities across key sectors.

Read again: Mali: President Assimi Goïta responds to a priority need with work on the N°9 and strategic roads in Kati

Neil Camara