Liberia: Who will be the new President?

 In Liberia, elections took place on Tuesday and proceeded peacefully. Over 2.4 million voters were called to the polls in this small, English-speaking country in West Africa.

Despite a history of civil war in the past three decades, Liberians turned out in significant numbers and with enthusiasm to cast their votes.

Over an hour before the polling stations opened in Monrovia, hundreds of people were waiting under the sun to exercise their right to vote.

Incumbent and former world football star, George Weah, was the favorite among 19 competitors.

The Chairperson of the National Elections Commission (NEC), Davidetta Browne-Lansanah, as well as international observers, noted the absence of major incidents and emphasized the high voter turnout.

The NEC will begin releasing the results starting from Wednesday as the counting progresses and will announce the final results within 15 days.