Burkina Faso: When President Ibrahim Traoré puts the health of Burkinabe first

Since taking office, President Ibrahim Traoré of Burkina Faso has initiated several impactful measures to improve the country’s healthcare sector.


Acknowledging the critical challenges facing the Burkinabe health system, he has launched various initiatives aimed at enhancing accessibility, quality, and efficiency of health services.


On Wednesday, July 3, 2024, during a cabinet meeting, a significant decree was adopted, establishing the Presidential Health Initiative. This comprehensive plan comprises four key components :

  1. Upgrading Health Centers: The first component involves the construction and equipment of 55 communal health centers. This will be achieved by transforming 55 Social Promotion and Health Centers (CSPS) into Communal Medical Centers across the 13 regions of Burkina Faso.
  2. Enhanced Anesthesia and Resuscitation Services: The second component focuses on building and equipping five anesthesia-resuscitation units within hospitals.
  3. Cardiology Advancement: The third component is the creation of a Heart Institute at the University Hospital Center of Tengandogo.
  4. Breast Cancer Diagnostics: The final component aims to make molecular diagnostics for breast cancer available in Burkina Faso.

This Presidential Health Initiative builds upon the ongoing efforts of President Traoré and his administration to bolster the health sector in recent years.


Significant strides have been made in training and recruiting doctors, nurses, and other healthcare professionals to address the shortage of medical staff and improve the healthcare provider-to-patient ratio.


Specific measures have also been implemented to combat endemic diseases such as malaria and tuberculosis.


A key aspect of President Traoré’s health policy has been the promotion of universal health coverage.


He has launched programs to expand access to health insurance for vulnerable populations, particularly women and children.


These programs include the provision of free essential medical services and subsidy mechanisms for low-income families.


Through these comprehensive actions, President Ibrahim Traoré demonstrates a strong commitment to reinforcing Burkina Faso’s health system, with a clear focus on improving healthcare access, quality, and disease prevention.


Maurice K. ZONGO