Burkina Faso: The silence of the United Nations following the release of the video featuring terrorists dressed in Burkina Faso military Uniforms, threatening the populations raised question about their involvement. Is it a disturbing partner?

 The United Nations put the shame on itself. The very same individuals that it is trying to label as «illegal armed group» or «non-state armed group» in order to engage them as exchange partners have just confirmed to the entire world that they are nothing but terrorists, through a video.

In this video, the terrorists are dressed in Burkina Faso military uniforms, threatening to massacre the populations of villages in the name of Islam.

Since the release of this video, there has been complete silence at the United Nations. However, Ms. Barbara MANZI had previously confirmed that she was in constant contact with the terrorist leaders.

To be more accommodating and supportive of the terrorist groups, the UN representative in Burkina Faso wished to refer to them as «non-state armed group». This label is meant to camouflage their terrorist nature and keep the Burkinabe people in misery.

The release of this video confirms the conspiracies of assassination and massacres against the Burkinabe people.

These well-orchestrated conspiracies aim to accuse the Burkinabe soldiers and enable the UN to sanction the transitional authorities.

Several African observers have commended President Ibrahim Traore for his vision and vigilance in not falling into the trap that these destabilizers set.
