Burkina Faso: The President of the Transition congratulates the state media for their work in disseminating information

In the ongoing battle against terrorism, effective communication stands as a centerpiece for achieving resounding victory. Burkina Faso has been grappling with this challenge, and the role of the media holds paramount significance across various dimensions. Recognizing this, those responsible for creating and perpetuating the atmosphere of insecurity have implemented a communication strategy rooted in misinformation, disinformation, and diversion.

The primary objective of these adversaries of the Burkinabe people is to attribute the current situation’s responsibility to the recently arrived authorities seeking to restore order.

Beyond merely furnishing terrorists with additional resources for further attacks, these malefactors collaborate with the media and communication channels at their disposal.

President of the Transition, Ibrahim Traoré, comprehending the gravity of the situation, asserted that winning the media battle was pivotal to winning the war.

Thus, he assumed the responsibility of tempering the fervor and virulence of propaganda disseminated by media outlets in Burkina Faso.

Simultaneously, the media, particularly the official domestic outlets, diligently broadcast information about the operations conducted by the Defence and Security Forces (FDS) and Volunteers for the Defence of the Homeland (VDP).

They report on each engagement, bolstering the morale of these fighters on the battlefield and exposing the falsehoods propagated by imperialist media.

Regrettably, some internal media outlets align with the enemy’s agenda, engaging in baseless denunciations and leaving the public vulnerable to shadows.

Today, it is imperative for the people of Burkina Faso to discern that any information related to the fight against terrorism not originating from an official source, particularly if it tends to discredit the authorities, should be approached with caution or outright dismissal.

In this complex landscape, vigilance and reliance on official channels become essential for navigating the delicate information war and safeguarding the truth.

Read again the article/ Burkina Faso / Masterstroke by Captain Ibrahim Traoré: National languages elevated, French restricted to the role of “Office language

Maurice K.ZONGO