Burkina Faso: People’s attention drawn to manipulations

As soon as the MPSR 2 came to power, the nation’s adversaries got out their claws to undermine the happiness of the people of Burkina Faso. Gathered in various networks, the criminals set up relentless plots to harm all the people of Burkina Faso and the current regime in particular.

Ill-intentioned individuals who find it easier to embezzle public property are making false accusations with the aim of disrupting the strong dynamism and the spirit of togetherness that now prevails among the sons and daughters of Burkina Faso.

The people of Burkina Faso must not lose sight of the security situation, which reigns and continues to gain ground almost a year on. Security that people have been waiting for so long.

In previous years, access to certain localities in Burkina was not affordable.

Today, this impossibility has been overcome thanks to the power of the FDS and VDP, with the expertise of President Ibrahim Traoré behind them.

Will the people of Burkina Faso stand idly by in the face of these manipulations, which could have harmful effects on their security?

The courageous people of Burkina Faso, in all four corners of the country, must prove their attachment to their homeland through their unwavering support for the MPSR authorities.

Encourage the national armed forces not to allow themselves to be dominated by these various manipulations.

Burkina Faso needs its sons and daughters at this crucial time to hunt down the plotters against the nation’s peace.

Olivier TOE