Burkina Faso: «Phantom unit» neutralizes terrorists

The «phantom unit» of the Burkina Faso army, working in perfect coordination with airborne vehicles from Burkina and Niger, neutralised several terrorists on Sunday in the tri-border area, according to images of corpses provided to AIB by security sources.

In the afternoon of Sunday 22 October 2023, a «phantom» unit of the Burkina Faso army discovered at least a hundred terrorists under trees in the Goungam area on Burkina Faso territory.

The Burkinabe army’s aerial vehicles, positioned some fifteen km north of Markoye, flew over the base and confirmed the information.

They then launched a series of strikes on the terrorists, who were killed in explosions caused by their ammunition.

The phantom unit then went up to the base. On the ground, it found dead terrorists, burnt-out motorbikes and weapons. Then it finished the job.

Meanwhile, survivors fled towards Niger, pursued by Burkinabe air vehicles.

Once they had crossed the border, the Niger vectors took over and followed them as far as Lélétan, on Niger territory.

Despite their attempts to camouflage themselves under trees, they were struck by lightning until they were completely destroyed by Nigerien air vectors.

The Sahelian states have taken the lead against the terrorists in a number of confrontations. They continue to score victories.

These days, terrorists are hunted right down to their hiding places.

This is further evidence to remind people to support the transitions, because they are determined to guarantee security and social development for all.

Maiga DAO