Burkina-Faso: Minister Olivia Rouamba receives the Central and West Africa Regional Director of UNICEF

Recalled in the MPSR 2 government, Minister Olivia Rouamba, in charge of Foreign Affairs, Regional Cooperation and the Burkinabe Diaspora, continues to put her skills at the service of the development of her country. This Tuesday, Minister Olivia Rouamba granted an audience to the Central and West Africa Regional Director of the United Nations Children’s Fund, UNICEF, Mrs. Marie Pierre POIRIER.
during the exchanges, messages of solidarity from UNICEF towards the people of Burkina Faso who are facing security and humanitarian difficulties. For her part, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, welcomed the support shown by the regional head of UNICEF to her country.
She took the opportunity to point out that “internally displaced people, most of whom are women and children, really need assistance to survive in dignity. UNICEF’s support for the efforts of the government of Burkina is therefore comforting”. Mrs. Marie Pierre POIRIER reassured the Minister of the continued presence and actions of the world body in Burkina Faso.
She also reiterated UNICEF’s commitment to development and humanitarian action in favor of Burkinabe populations in need.
