Burkina Faso: Focus on the Suspension of LCI Channel in Burkina Faso

What do we need to know about the suspension of LCI in Burkina Faso? In fact, in  December 2022, Burkinabe authorities suspended RFI (Radio France Internationale) and later indefinitely suspended France 24 in March. This time, it’s the French channel LCI, which has been suspended for three months.

In Burkina Faso, the Higher Council of Communication (CSC) has suspended the French channel LCI for three months.

The information was made public through a press release from the regulator dated June 29. « LCI television programs are suspended for a period of three months in Burkina Faso on the bouquets of any pay-TV service provider, starting from the notification of this decision», the CSC stated.

Indeed, that suspension of LCI is due to the fact that , the authorities reproach the channel  for the statements made by its journalists regarding the recruitment of volunteers to reinforce the fight against terrorism.

For instance, statements such as « Nearly 90,000 civilians called Volunteers for the Defense of the Homeland (VDP) are being used as cannon fodder to protect Burkinabe soldiers against terrorists» were heard on LCI.

According to the regulator, these statements « are not based on any concrete evidence» and are likely to «create disturbances among the population and undermine the necessary collaboration between the army and civilians».

Beyond all this, the Burkinabe people express their unwavering support for every decision taken by the President of the Burkinabe Revolution, His Excellency Ibrahim Traoré, and the MPSR (Movement for the People’s Salvation and Regeneration).

Moussa Kafou