Algeria: 10th edition of National Cultural Poetry Festival kicks off this thursday

The Ould Abderrahmane Kaki Cultural Center in Mostaganem is hosting the 10th edition of the National Cultural Poetry Festival Melhoun dedicated to Sidi Lakhdar Benkhelouf from December 21 to 23.unched

The Commissioner of this event, Abdelkader Bendaamèche, declared during a press conference that this edition would be exceptional and exclusively devoted to Melhoun poetry (without any lyrical type), focusing solely on the theme of resistance in Melhoun poetry in solidarity with the Palestinian brothers in the Gaza Strip, facing the Zionist war machine with unprecedented courage.

This edition of the the National Cultural Poetry Festival Melhoun, described as a «cry against aggressors», will feature 51 poets from 18 provinces.

Alongside poetry performances, several documentary films will be screened, commemorating the life and career of the late artist Cheikh Bendehiba Bouguirati and the poet Cheikh Omar El Mokrani, as well as the film «Algerian Melhoun Poetry, Memory of a Nation».

 The main public reading library Moulay Belhamissi will host the 10th scientific symposium on Algerian Melhoun poetry this Saturday, dedicated to resistance in Algerian folk heritage, particularly in Melhoun poetry.

Regarding the choice of this theme, Mr. Bendaamèche emphasized that the national cause and resistance to colonizers have been the foundation of Melhoun poetry for years, preserving numerous poems from Cheikh Sidi Lakhdar Benkhelouf (resistance to the Spanish occupier), Cheikh Abdelkader Ouahrani Mâaskri (resistance to French occupation), and other proponents of Algerian folk poetry.

This edition marks the first activity of this event outside the province of Mostaganem, with the cultural center of Chlef hosting a cultural program to present a book on one of the Melhoun poets, Cheikh Omar Mokrani, as reported.

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