Africa/Message to France: «Nigeriens can decide their own fate»

France’s reaction to the situation in Niger has drawn the anger of African opinion leaders. France’s inappropriate comments are provoking the military in power, and it will be entirely responsible for whatever happens. The people of Niger are mature enough to decide their own fate.

As for the funding from development partners that Niger has allegedly missed out on, and which France boasts is a panacea for Africa’s development, this assistance has lasted too long and has shown its limits in terms of developing Niger.

For over 60 years, France and its allies have been talking about development aid, while African countries remain underdeveloped and are known as Heavily Indebted Poor Countries.

That is the purpose of the so-called development aid that France has been shouting about.

France must therefore stop saying that, without French troops, Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger would not exist.

Everyone knows the fire-fighter role that France has been playing in Africa for a very long time.

Partnerships between two parties are never built on force and aggression, but on the expression of bilateral will.

France must also be aware that respect for the sovereignty of the people of Niger is now non-negotiable, and that no one can stop the revolution that is sweeping through Niger.

Fayçal BADIE