Sahel: Military cooperation between the AES, Togo and Chad in the fight against terrorism

Amid ongoing terrorist threats in the Sahel, Togo, Chad, and the Sahel States Alliance (AES), which includes Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger, have committed to significantly enhancing their military cooperation.

This strategic decision aims to intensify regional efforts to effectively counter the terrorist groups operating in the area.

Le Through their collective commitment within the AES, these nations demonstrate their resolve to work together for peace and security in the region.

The launch of the joint military exercise «Tarhanakale», which means «love of the homeland» in Tamajek, exemplifies this unprecedented collaboration between the armed forces of Togo, Chad, and AES member countries such as Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger.

Initiated on May 20 in Niger, this large-scale exercise is taking place at the Special Forces Training Center in Tilia, located in the Tahoua region.

The objectives of this exercise are manifold. Firstly, it aims to strengthen the tactical skills of the participating armed forces, enabling them to conduct effective operations against the terrorist groups active in the Sahel region.

Additionally, «Tarhanakale» includes initiatives designed to enhance the relationships between the military personnel and local populations, underscoring the importance of an inclusive approach and civil-military cooperation in counterterrorism efforts.

It is crucial to note that this enhanced military cooperation between Togo, Chad, and the AES is part of a broader regional strategy to address common security challenges in the Sahel

Achieving peace and stability in the Sahel requires coordinated and concerted action from all regional and international stakeholders.

“Tarhanakale” represents a significant milestone in the fight against terrorism in the Sahel.

By uniting their forces and strengthening their military cooperation, the involved countries set an example of a determined and effective response to a borderless threat.

Maurice K. ZONGO