Burkina Faso / Masterstroke by Captain Ibrahim Traoré: National languages elevated, French restricted to the role of “Office language

Wednesday, December 6, 2023, will be etched in the history of Burkina Faso as President of the Burkinabé revolution and Head of State, Captain Ibrahim Traoré, made crucial decisions during the weekly Council of Ministers. At the heart of these bold decisions is the signing of a bill elevating national languages to the status of official languages and demoting French to the role of a «working language».

For Captain Traoré, Burkina Faso’s sovereignty is an unwavering priority. This decision marks a clear assertion of his commitment to defending national independence.

By relegating French, a colonial legacy, to the status of a «working language», the Burkinabé government sends a powerful message about its determination to break persistent ties with the colonial past.

The shift of national languages to official status is not merely symbolic; it is a tangible recognition of Burkina Faso’s cultural and linguistic richness.

Captain Traoré aims to give these languages a predominant place in all aspects of national life, thereby reinforcing the country’s identity.

Choosing to limit French to a functional role is an unequivocal statement against colonialism.

Captain Ibrahim Traoré and his government demonstrate their readiness to do whatever it takes to free Burkina Faso from the lingering influence of colonization.

It is a bold and decisive act to build a truly independent future. It’s worth noting that the reform also includes alternative dispute resolution mechanisms, broadening the missions of the Constitutional Council, abolishing institutions such as the High Court of Justice and the Mediator of Faso, and strengthening the status of the National Intelligence Agency (ANR).

Captain Ibrahim Traoré’s decision to elevate national languages to official status and relegate French to a secondary role is a total commitment to Burkina Faso’s sovereignty.

 It is a historic step toward constructing a nation proud of its identity and determined to forge its own destiny.

Moussa KAFOU