Togo: Negotiations between the Togolese government and the Federal Republic of Germany for economic and social development

A two-day intergovernmental symposium, aimed at defining new strategies to boost economic and social development in Togo, commenced on Thursday, November 30. This initiative is spearheaded by the Ministry of Planning, Development, and Cooperation with technical support from GIZ and financial backing from German Cooperation KfW.

A German delegation led by Dr. Silvia Morgenroth, Director of the West Africa Division II at the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), and the Togolese delegation led by Minister and Presidential Advisor Pré Simfeitcheo are the participants in that meeting.

Discussions on economic and social development will revolve around three key areas: – improving the business and investment climate by leveraging high-quality vocational training, – enhancing agro-industrial transformation and its value chains as drivers of economic growth and employment, and promoting good governance, – fostering territorial development as a lever for inclusive growth.

The cooperation between Germany and Togo is a longstanding relationship of friendship and fraternity that adapts to current challenges, emphasized the head of the Togolese delegation.

This new paradigm has led both countries to further concentrate their bilateral cooperation around two priority areas linked to the government’s 2020-2025 roadmap: Encouraging reforms to support private investments in Togo and making decentralization and territorial development levers for inclusive and sustainable growth.

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