What kind of game is the UN playing in the Land of honest People? – Between inaction in the face of terrorism and injustice to the nation’s heroes

Since 2016, Burkina Faso has been grappling with terrorist attacks that have resulted in countless loss of lives, leaving behind thousands dead, maimed, orphaned, and widowed.

Recently, France revealed a staggering figure of over 13,000 deaths. Meanwhile, the Burkinabe people are questioning who is responsible for these attacks, who is financing them, and why the UN has not taken more decisive measures to protect lives and support the Burkinabe Defense and Security Forces.

Despite the magnitude of the crisis in Burkina Faso, the UN appears to have adopted a stance of inaction bordering on indifference.

Since the onset of these attacks, the United Nations has not taken significant initiatives to investigate the perpetrators of terrorist acts.

The UN has done little to support the equipment and training of the Burkinabe Defense and Security Forces.

These forces, prior to Captain Ibrahim Traore’s assumption of power, were courageously engaged in the fight against terrorism but often found themselves under-equipped and overwhelmed by the looming threat facing the country.

Protecting civilians and restoring peace should be top priorities for the UN, yet these commitments seem to remain unfulfilled.

Moreover, instead of supporting Burkina Faso’s fighting forces, the UN is now contemplating an investigation against them.

These soldiers, who risk their lives daily to protect their country and fellow citizens, are unfairly under the UN’s spotlight.

This move raises questions about the organization’s priorities and leaves a sense of injustice for those bravely fighting for peace.

In the face of this crisis, the UN appears to have failed in its fundamental responsibilities by not taking necessary measures to protect lives and support security efforts in the region.

Olivier TOE