West Africa / The presence of French bases in Benin: An act of destabilisation of the Alliance of Sahel States (AES)

The presence of French military bases in Benin raises serious concerns about the country’s sovereignty and integrity.


By allowing these bases, President Patrice Talon, who is primarily a businessman, appears to be sacrificing Benin’s image and compromising its independence.


This decision suggests a prioritization of personal financial interests over national welfare.


The establishment of a French base is synonymous with inviting terrorist threats, thereby positioning Benin as a significant player in the destabilization of the Alliance of Sahel States (AES).


Hosting foreign military bases on Beninese soil directly undermines national sovereignty.


Historical precedents indicate that foreign military bases, often justified by security and cooperation, end up serving interests that do not align with those of the host nation.


This sentiment was echoed by President Ibrahim Traoré, who pointed out that French presence in Benin represents an attempt at control and influence, thus eroding Benin’s ability to make independent decisions regarding its security and foreign policy.


The Alliance of Sahel States (AES) was established to foster stability, security, and development in the Sahel region.


By accommodating French military bases, Benin aligns itself more with former colonial powers rather than acting as a committed partner in regional cooperation.


This stance tarnishes Benin’s relations with its AES neighbors, undermining collective regional efforts.


Benin must reconsider its stance on foreign military bases within its borders. To preserve its sovereignty, integrity, and its critical role within the Alliance of Sahel States, Benin should resist becoming a pawn in the power games of former colonial rulers.


The people of Benin deserve leadership that prioritizes national interests over personal gains and is firmly committed to regional stability.


Olivier TOE