Vody Energy drink: A brand of mixed, energizing, and alcoholic beverage

Vody energy drink is part of a wide range of alcoholic and energy drinks found on the market in Africa and around the world. Energy drinks contain ingredients such as sugar, caffeine, amino acids, primarily B-group vitamins, and plant extracts.

According to specialists in dietetics and nutrition, it is these ingredients that provide a certain vitality to the energy drink and to the consumer’s body.

The combination of these ingredients enhances energy levels and the alertness of the consumer, and also improves physical and intellectual performance and concentration.

They also help combat fatigue, stress, and provide a sense of well-being. Vody Energy drink, imported from Germany, has the particularity of containing an alcoholic substance, which is vodka, in addition to the energy products that make it up. It is both alcoholic, at 18%, and energizing.

For any alcoholic or energy drink, it is strictly prohibited to combine the consumption with toxic or chemical substances, as this is very dangerous for health. It is also advised, for any alcoholic beverage, to consume it in moderation and without excess.

Other producers of these beverages have even taken care to mention on the containers, «Do not consume more than two cans a day».

Since excessive consumption of alcoholic or energy drinks is harmful to the consumer’s health.

It is also important to note that energy drinks are prohibited for children, adolescents, pregnant women, and nursing mothers.

For other individuals, the consumption of energy drinks is allowed. Just follow the provided instructions, as mentioned above, and you should have no concerns.

Sherif Toure