Towards closer links between Togo and the United Kingdom: A new mission in Lomé

A delegation of prominent British business leaders has embarked since June, 18th, 2024, on a two-day trade and investment mission to Lomé.


This british mission in Lomé is part of President Faure Gnassingbé’s strategy to diversify and strengthen international partnerships.


Organized by the DMA Invest fund, this mission marks a pivotal moment in Togo-UK relations.

This, with the aim to explore new avenues for economic cooperation.


Last year, a similar mission laid the groundwork for productive dialogue between British economic operators and Togolese public and private sector players.


This year’s discussions are focused on solidifying strategic partnerships, especially as Togo, now a member of the Commonwealth, seeks to diversify its sources of foreign investment.


The agenda for the mission is both comprehensive and ambitious. It features economic briefing sessions to highlight investment opportunities in Togo.


This event comprises as well sector-specific roundtables to delve deeper into mutual areas of interest, and site visits to showcase the country’s infrastructure and potential.


For the Togolese government, this initiative is a crucial opportunity to bolster its international standing as an attractive hub for investors.


The goal is clear: to attract more foreign investment to drive economic growth and support long-term sustainable development.

This trade and investment mission represents a significant milestone in Togo’s foreign policy and a promising step toward a strengthened partnership with the UK.


It also reflects the Togolese government’s commitment to invigorating its economy by attracting diverse and high-quality foreign investments, positioning the country as an emerging economic player on the global stage.

Kodjovi Makafui