Togo / Under the leadership of Faure Gnassingbé, Togo is flourishing: National Public-Private Partnership Day to demonstrate commitment to development

The Togolese President, Faure Gnassingbé, is demonstrating his unwavering commitment to the development of Togo. Indeed, the Togolese government is actively involved in preparations for the first National Public-Private Partnership Day (JN-PPP), scheduled for 5 September in Lomé.

This initiative is being carried out in close collaboration with the government-private sector consultation committee.

The event will bring together representatives of the Togolese government, employers’ and consular organisations such as the CNP, the AGET and the CCI, as well as local economic operators.

It is important to note that Togo’s private sector is growing steadily and making a significant contribution to the country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP).

As part of its commitment to economic development, the government has put in place various measures to create a favourable environment for private enterprise, in line with its 2020-2025 Roadmap.

These efforts by President Faure Gnassingbé aim to stimulate Togo’s economic development and strengthen collaboration between the public and private sectors for the benefit of the Togolese nation.

The main aim of the day is to publicise government reforms and promote the theme «The private sector, the driving force behind the structural transformation of the national economy».

This meeting will provide an opportunity for a fruitful exchange between members of the government, public administrations and the business community, in order to present the achievements and reforms undertaken in recent years.

 Private enterprise plays a crucial role in the national economy and in job creation.

The event aims to strengthen trust between the State and the private sector for an inclusive socio-economic development of the country, with the support of the German Cooperation.

Togo’s private sector has recorded growth of 5.3% in 2022, contributing to the country’s GDP. The government has put in place various support measures, such as a one-stop shop for investors and the simplification of administrative procedures, to create a favourable environment for private enterprise.

Yoann Amouzou