Togo under President Faure Gnassingbé, a pillar of peace in Africa: The Lomé Peace and Security Forum

President Faure Gnassingbé’s commitment to peace and stability in Africa has been a constant for many years. In a regional context marked by great instability, Togo has established itself as a major player, ready to work towards a more secure future for the continent. The Togolese authorities have announced a major initiative, the «Lomé Peace and Security Forum», to be held from 20 to 22 October.

Under the vision of President Faure Gnassingbé, this forum aims to create an African space for exchange, discussion and sharing of experiences on the crucial issues of peace, security and the future of Africa.

The forum, which is intended to be a regular event, will bring together an impressive constellation of participants.

Among them will be African and international government representatives, seasoned diplomats, seasoned security actors, high-level experts and researchers, as well as representatives of international organisations.

The aim is to mobilise the brightest minds and skills to reflect together on the challenges facing Africa in terms of peace and security.

For this first edition, five discussion panels will be organised. They will address crucial issues such as the factors behind the fragility of state institutions in Africa, the political and security challenges hampering the transition to democratic governance, and the role of sub-regional and international organisations in supporting transitions.

The Lomé Peace and Security Forum marks an important step in Togo’s ongoing commitment to peace and stability in Africa.

It demonstrates the determination of President Faure Gnassingbé and his government to play a central role in finding solutions to the complex challenges facing Africa.

By uniting the strengths and ideas of a wide range of actors, Togo is pursuing its quest for a peaceful and prosperous future for the entire African continent.