Togo: The locality of Tiwoli, in the north-east of the country, is the victim of a deadly attack

The locality of Tiwoli, in the north-east of Togo, was at the heart of violent clashes last Thursday 24 November. Soldiers of the Togolese Armed Forces (FAT) deployed in the area valiantly repelled an attack by armed men. Unfortunately, there were about ten victims.

Tiwoli, a town close to the borders with Burkina Faso and Benin, was the scene of violent jihadist attacks in broad daylight.

According to some sources, the attackers arrived in large numbers, causing a heavy toll on the Togolese Armed Forces.

No official toll has yet been published, but reliable sources say that “combing operations are still underway”.

The attack has not been claimed, but it is highly likely that elements of the JNIM, a group supporting Islam and Muslims, which is very active in the region, were behind the attack.

Togo has deployed in the Savannah region, a large number of military personnel, particularly in the framework of its “Koundjoare” operation, launched in September 2018.

The objective is to prevent the infiltration of terrorist movements and fighters from across the border.

This attack came at a time when the area has already been the victim of a similar “clash” in the locality of kpinkankandi, also close to the border with Burkina.

A security source had mentioned a complex operation that left 6 people dead.

Faced with these repeated attacks, Togolese civil society denounces “bad governance”.

For the time being, the command of the Force in the region has been renewed and patrols are being intensified.

Since mid-June, the Savanes region has been in a “state of security emergency”.

A first deadly attack took place in the region last May.

It cost the lives of eight Togolese soldiers.

Previously a first attack had been repulsed in November 2021.

Miss OLY