Togo: Prof. Robert Dussey, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Works for African Inclusion through Dynamic Diplomacy

As part of his ambitious vision for Africa, President Faure Gnassingbé of Togo appointed Prof. Robert Dussey as Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Integration, and Togolese Abroad. Since assuming office, Prof. Dussey has demonstrated remarkable dynamism in African diplomacy, working closely with his counterparts to transform Pan-Africanism into a concrete reality and promote the inclusion of African peoples.

Prof. Robert Dussey has brought a new impetus to Togo’s foreign policy by adopting a proactive approach and forging strategic partnerships with other African countries.

He works to realize President Faure Gnassingbé’s vision of promoting unity and solidarity among African nations, with a focus on regional integration and strengthening economic, political, and cultural ties.

In the field of African diplomacy, Prof. Dussey has distinguished himself through his ability to mobilize his peers around common causes.

He has played a key role in organizing several summits and conferences aimed at enhancing cooperation among African states and finding solutions to common challenges such as security, sustainable development, and governance.

An example is the African Political Alliance (APA), which aims to restore Africa’s rightful place on the international stage. The Alliance also seeks to be a catalyst for development and counterterrorism defense.

One of H.E. Mr. Robert Dussey’s priorities is to make Pan-Africanism a tangible reality. He believes that this concept should not be limited to mere speeches but should be translated into concrete actions in favor of African peoples.

To this end, he encourages the implementation of projects and initiatives aimed at strengthening Africa’s economic and social integration.

He pays particular attention to promoting the inclusion of marginalized groups, such as youth and women, in development and decision-making processes.

Minister of Togolese Abroad

As Minister of Togolese Abroad, Prof. Dussey also ensures the protection of the rights and interests of Togolese residing abroad.

He establishes support mechanisms and assistance to facilitate their integration into their host countries while encouraging their active participation in Togo’s development.

Thanks to President Faure Gnassingbé’s vision and Prof. Robert Dussey’s dynamism, Togo is emerging as a major player on the African diplomatic scene.

The country plays an active role in promoting inclusion and unity in Africa, thereby contributing to the realization of Pan-African aspirations.

 Prof. Dussey continues to work with determination to achieve these objectives and strengthen Togo’s role as a reliable partner.

Yoann Amouzou