Togo: President Faure Gnassingbé’s Commitment to Economic Development

In line with his government’s roadmap, President Faure Gnassingbé embarked on significant development initiatives in various sectors such as social, economic, and political upon assuming office. On the social front, the government prioritized the improvement of the healthcare and education systems, as well as social inclusion.

Surrounded by a dynamic government team, the president committed to reforms aimed at ensuring the well-being of his citizens.

These reforms encompassed a wide range of initiatives, from establishing modern healthcare facilities in all economic regions of the country to creating jobs and promoting national entrepreneurship through social financing mechanisms (amounting to over 80 billion CFA francs through the National Inclusive Finance Fund (FNFI)).

Dedicated to good governance, the government established a High Authority in 2017 to combat corruption within the administration and a Court of Auditors for auditing the accounts and management of public institutions and state-owned enterprises.

Another economic reform involved creating a conducive business environment. Additionally, Faure Gnassingbé successfully ensured security and peace in Togo, which attracted foreign investments to the country.

In terms of infrastructure, Togo underwent extensive construction and rehabilitation of road networks.

This included the construction of a new international standard terminal at Lomé Airport and an aerodrome in Niamtougou in the north of the country, as well as the rehabilitation of nearly 600 kilometers of roads, including the Tsévié-Kévé-Zolo-Ghanaian border (65 km) route, Agou-Notsè (50 km), and the Lomé major bypass (42 km), to name a few.

On the continental and international fronts, Togo has distinguished itself through its foreign policy.

During the 2023-2024 diplomatic season, the country committed to further promoting peace and stability on the continent.

This commitment was evident in its stance towards Niger and other African countries.