TOGO: New funding to combat coastal erosion

The Minister of the Economy and Finance, Sani Yaya, the French Ambassador to Togo, Augustin Favereau, and the Director of the French Development Agency (AFD) in Togo, Zolika Bouabdallah, signed a credit agreement for the construction of coastal protection infrastructure on the 7-kilometre stretch of coastline between Gbodjomé and Agbodrafo. This infrastructure aims to combat coastal erosion.

Work to protect the Togolese coast against coastal  erosion will make significant progress in the coming days. This is thanks to funding of FCFA 23 billion (around €35 million).

This loan is being disbursed specifically for the Gbodjomé – Agbodrafo section (around 7 km long in the Lacs Prefecture).

This programme contributes to the resilience of Togo’s coastal ecosystems and the communities that depend on them, by establishing integrated and sustainable management of the areas between Aného and Gbodjomé.

It provides for physical and social investment, through the financing of coastal protection and flood control infrastructure, the implementation of nature-based solutions, support for local consultation structures and the financing of income-generating activities for the benefit of communities.

It should be remembered that this financial facility has been granted as part of the West African Coastal Zone Resilience Investment Project (WACA ResIP-Togo), which is supported by the World Bank and other partners.

Kodjovi Makafui