Togo: Minister Dussey at the 78th UN General Assembly: «Togo is a country of peace. Peace is in the DNA of the Togolese people»

During the 78th United Nations General Assembly, Togolese Minister of Foreign Affairs, Professor Robert Dussey, under the exceptional leadership of President Faure Gnassingbé, delivered a powerful speech that drew attention to several crucial issues affecting Africa and the world as a whole. In his speech,Minister Dussey  called for bold measures to address the challenges of terrorism, climate change, socio-political crises, and political transitions in Africa.

 He also advocated for reform of the United Nations Security Council to include permanent representation for Africa.

Indeed, Professor Dussey’s speech highlighted the multisectoral vulnerability of Africa.

Despite all its wealth, the continent faces a range of challenges, including a low level of development, major health crises, the devastating impacts of climate change, and the growing threat of terrorism.

This vulnerability jeopardizes international peace and stability. One of the key points of the speech was Minister Dussey’s call to invest more in peace than in war.

He emphasized that Togo, as a country of peace, opposes war and has never aggressed its neighbors.

Instead, the country promotes mediation, dialogue, and negotiation to resolve regional conflicts.

Minister Dussey illustrated Togo’s commitment to peace by mentioning concrete examples of mediation, including the resolution of the crisis between the governments of Côte d’Ivoire and Mali, as well as efforts to enhance peace in West Africa and the Sahel.

His speech also stressed the urgency of reforming the United Nations Security Council to reflect the new global dynamics.

Minister Dussey emphasized that Africa can no longer be excluded from this crucial body for international peace and security.

Togo, under the enlightened leadership of President Faure Gnassingbé, the Great Man of Vision and Action, is committed to advocating for peace in the world, especially in Africa.

It is important to note that Professor Robert Dussey’s speech at the UN called for concerted global action to address the pressing challenges facing Africa and the world.

He pleaded for peace, institutional reform, and respectful partnerships for Africa’s development.

These calls to action resonate not only for Togo but for the entire international community, reminding us of the importance of working together for a more prosperous and peaceful world.

Yoann Amouzou