TOGO: Digital technology to improve women’s health

On Tuesday 5 September 2023, the Ministry of Health, Public Hygiene and Universal Access to Healthcare in Lomé launched the «Tele-echography project to improve maternal and child health in Togo».

Initiated in collaboration with the Pierre Fabre Foundation, this project aims to improve consultations for pregnant women.

It involves the provision of remote health care, using information and communication technologies to enable patients to consult health professionals without physically visiting a health centre.

With this project, the country’s health authorities are turning to digital technology to improve women’s health and accelerate progress towards universal health coverage by 2030.

For the year 2023, the Togolese government plans to allocate 21 billion CFA francs to universal health coverage, according to the Finance Act for the year 2023. This is an increase of 10% on last year’s budget of 19 billion CFA francs.

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Kodjovi Makafui