Togo / Commemoration of the 37th Anniversary of the 1986 Lomé Terrorist Attack: A Poignant Reminder of National History at the Place des Martyrs in Lomé

In commemoration of the 37th anniversary of the terrorist attack that occurred on September 23, 1986, the Minister of Territorial Administration, Hodabalo Awaté, presided over a moving ceremony this Saturday morning at the Place des Martyrs in Lomé. This tragic attack left an indelible mark on Togo’s history, serving as a poignant reminder of the numerous challenges the country has had to face.

On September 23 ,  1986, a group of armed men launched a bold attack on several government buildings in the capital, Lomé.

The brutal assault resulted in the tragic loss of 13 innocent lives and left 25 people injured, plunging the country into mourning.

The assailants, members of the United Front for the Liberation of Togo (FULT), were known for their hostility towards President Gnassingbé Eyadema at the time. The FULT claimed responsibility for this attack, stating that it aimed to overthrow the incumbent government and establish a democratic regime.

Following the attack, diplomatic tensions arose between Togo and its neighbour, Ghana.

President Eyadema had accused Ghana of being involved in the attack. However, Ghana consistently denied any involvement in this tragic event, and the true instigators of the attack were never formally identified.

By commemorating the 37th anniversary of the 23, September  terrorist attack, Togo pays tribute to the victims while reaffirming its determination to maintain peace, stability, and democracy in the country.

Read also : Togo/MINUSMA: The last Togolese military contingent reportedly left Mali

Kodjovi Makafui