Togo: A model country in the financial inclusion program, thanks to the vision of H.E. Faure Essozimna GNASSINGBE

On Monday, October 16, the 6th edition of the African Microfinance Week opens in Lomé for a five-day gathering of international microfinance professionals and decision-makers. The event is expected to host around 1,300 participants, including heads of government, ministers, representatives from international organizations, investors, researchers, bankers, innovators, and microfinance institution representatives.

A total of 58 countries, including 40 African nations, have responded to this crucial meeting for the development of financial inclusion in Africa.

The choice of Togo as the host country for this event is not coincidental. Togo’s President, Faure Essozimna GNASSINGBE, has prioritized financial inclusion in recent years.

He has been committed to addressing the challenges of financial inclusion by implementing inclusive and sustainable mechanisms, including providing loans to women and young people to support their income-generating activities.

The significant results of Togo’s national financial inclusion strategy have earned praise and admiration from partners.

This positions Togo, under President Faure GNASSINGBE’s leadership, as a reference point in this field.

Therefore, it is fitting for partners, participating countries, and local authorities to share the Togolese experience in financial inclusion.

This event provides an opportunity for sharing experiences and further development.

The African Microfinance Week takes place every two years on the continent and serves as an African platform for discussions on microfinance issues involving industry professionals.

The Lomé edition is scheduled to conclude on Friday, October 20, 2023.

Yoann Amouzou