TOGO: 3rd International coffee day this saturday in Lomé

Under the patronage of the President of the Republic, Faure Gnassingbé, the President of the International Coffee Organisation (ICO), Enselme Gouthon, the Secretary General of the Coordination Committee for the Coffee and Cocoa Sectors (CCFCC) and the Secretary General of the Inter-African Coffee Organisation (IACO), Ambassador Solomon Rutega, are celebrating the 3rd International Coffee Day (ICD) on Saturday 14 October.

The theme of this year’s event is «Drinking African coffee builds Africa», and the aim is to raise public awareness and understanding of the value chain and, in particular, the consumption of locally produced coffee.

As a prelude to the event, the ICO organised a meeting with the press, during which the President stressed the importance of coffee for Africa.

According to him, coffee is a source of income for at least 60 million people on the continent.

 Still according to him, Africa accounts for around 12% of the world’s coffee production. «However, this production contributed only US$2.5 billion to the African economy in 2021, while the global trade value is estimated at US$466 billion, equivalent to around 35% of the combined GDP of the G25 producers», said Mr Gouthon.

The Secretary General of the CCFCC deplored the fact that Africans produce coffee but do not consume it.

As a result, he added, the price of coffee is set by consumers (Western countries), urging Africans to consume local coffee in order to reverse the trend.

During this day of coffee celebrations, he will be meeting with all coffee lovers, as well as inviting Togo’s youth to drink coffee.

In addition to coffee tasting, there will be an exhibition and sale of coffee-based products, a caravan, presentations and discussions on coffee, its trade, consumption and health benefits.

Kodjovi Makafui