Burkina Faso: «The more serious and complete your call or message is, the faster it will be processed», states the Director of Communication of the Presidency of Burkina Faso

The National Call Center (the CAN), within just one month after its launch, has received a total of 2,256 calls and messages, averaging 81 calls and messages per day.  That’s what the Director of Communication and Public Relations of the Presidency of Burkina Faso, Mr. Djourmité Nestor NOUFE announced during a press conference held on Thursday, May 11th, 2023 in Ouagadougou.

Indeed, out of the 2,256 calls and messages, which the CAN received, 1,420 were classified as «polluting» as they were not related to the objectives of the Center.  Only 832 alerts were deemed exploitable.

With regards to terrorism, according to the Director of Communication and Public Relations of the Presidency of Burkina Faso, «The reported events were mainly related to terrorist attacks, forced displacement of populations, cases of kidnappings, thefts of animals, looting of property, terrorist armed group (TAG) checkpoints, reporting of terrorist bases, movements and gatherings of TAGs, as well as reporting of suspects. »

According to Mr. Djourmité Nestor NOUFE, some fighters of the TAG finding themselves tricky even contacted the CNA for information on the mechanisms of their absolution and social reintegration.

« Some of them are already being taken care of pending the implementation of the procedure in this regard », he says. He also stated that calls aimed at informing on the mechanisms of citizen contribution and participation in the fight against terrorism have been recorded.

 In addition, he indicated that in the context of maladministration, citizens have denounced dysfunctions of the public administration and embezzlement of public resources in 6 regions of the country.

As a result, immediate responses were provided. Furthermore, he noted that in the 3rd week of operation of the Center, a lull was observed in a number of hotspots due to the operations of the Defense and Security Forces (FDS) and the action of aerial vectors went hand in hand with the decrease in urgent alerts.

Therefore, he encouraged all Burkinabe to refrain from making false alarms and calls and messages intended to divert or distract the staff who operate the CAN.

Indeed, more than 60% of the calls and messages received are unusable and are considered as pollutants. That constitute an unnecessary additional workload for the operators and hinder the prompt handling of serious alerts.

 «The more serious and complete your call or message is, the faster it is processed and the response from the state is not only certain but also quick and effective», said Nestor Noufé, while informing that five terrorists have surrendered their weapons in the Center-North region.

 Let’s recall that the National Call Center was created to receive and process any telephone call concerning the denunciation of facts or acts falling withing the scope of terrorism, organized crime, good governance, etc.
