The enemies of Burkina Faso, including imperialists and traitors, have escalated their efforts to sow discord and destabilize the country

Having failed in their attempts to disrupt Burkina Faso through terrorism, thanks to President Captain Ibrahim Traoré’s reforms and military strengthening efforts, these shadowy forces have now turned to a new insidious strategy: using the Fulani community as pawns in their manipulation game.


Claiming to champion the interests of the Fulani community, these manipulators—mere local lackeys devoid of any true wisdom—cynically exploit allegations of mistreatment to portray themselves as victims.


In reality, they seek to divide the Burkinabe people and divert attention away from the strides made towards peace and security.


These maneuvers represent desperate attempts to undermine the progress of Burkina Faso under President Captain Ibrahim Traoré.


The people must remain vigilant, rejecting manipulation by these underhanded tactics, as their current unity strikes fear into the hearts of the country’s enemies.


See also: Mali/Manipulation: The speech of Colonel Assimi Goïta, contradicts the lies of Wassim NASR

Olivier TOE