Sierra Leone’s President Julius Maada Bio visits Burkina Faso to address security and unity in the Sahel

Ouagadougou, August 7, 2024On Wednesday, President Julius Maada Bio of Sierra Leone met with Captain Ibrahim Traoré, the leader of Burkina Faso, in Ouagadougou.

This visit, marked by productive discussions, was significant not only for the bilateral ties between Sierra Leone and Burkina Faso but also because President Bio was there in his capacity as the current president of the UN Security Council for the month of August.


During his stay, President Bio focused on understanding the security situation in Burkina Faso and the broader Sahel region.


A key topic of their discussions was African unity, particularly in the face of escalating terrorist threats in the Sahel.


As the presiding officer of the UN Security Council, President Bio pledged to highlight the security challenges plaguing the Sahel and West Africa at the upcoming UN Security Council summit.


He emphasized the dire need for security, peace, and stability across the continent, which are increasingly under threat from criminal activities often linked to foreign powers.


President Bio’s commitment to presenting these issues at the UN demonstrates a strong sense of solidarity and a push for collective action.


He intends to use the New York summit as a platform to voice the concerns of West African nations and the continent at large, stressing that the unity of African nations is crucial in combating the spread of terrorism.


This stance exemplifies a united front in addressing the shared challenges facing African countries.


While some nations may currently be shielded from terrorism, President Bio warned that without effective management of the crisis in the Sahel and West Africa, the threat could soon engulf the entire continent.


Observers agree that greater unity and cooperation among African states is essential for a successful fight against these security threats.


Olivier TOE