Burkina Faso:  President Ibrahim Traoré supports the school canteen’s presidential Initiative

School canteens play an important role in the provision of food to school pupils and the school community. The President of the transition in Burkina Faso, H.E. Mr. Ibrahim Traoré is aware of that. That’s why he is now supporting the Presidential Initiative «to ensure at least one balanced meal per day for every school-aged child. » On Monday, May 21, 2023, he received Dr. Alice SIDIBE/ANAGO, the permanent secretary of this Presidential Initiative, in an audience.

The Presidential Initiative « to ensure at least one balanced meal per day for every school-aged child» is a commitment of the Burkinabe state, launched in June 2021, to address the food and material insecurity faced by vulnerable children and households in Burkina Faso.

According to the permanent secretary, Dr. Alice SIDIBE/ANAGO, it is of utmost importance to present the Presidential Initiative to the Head of State as part of their accountability process.

She briefed President Ibrahim Traoré on the progress made by the initiative, while seeking his support and guidance throughout their transitional journey.

She also took the opportunity to receive further guidance from President Ibrahim Traoré to better carry out their assigned mission.

Following the audience with the Head of State, who reiterated his desire to prioritize local production in the supply of school canteens, the permanent secretary of the Initiative expressed her satisfaction.

 She stated that President Ibrahim Traoré has offered his support and assistance. « We are very pleased with the advice he has given us. In this process, he will establish a mechanism within his office to support the permanent secretariat in successfully fulfilling its mission», added Dr. Alice SIDIBE/ANAGO.

She then praised the commitment of the Head of State to invest in education and his expressed desire to instill in children, from the grassroots level, the spirit of patriotism and the culture of «consume Burkinabe products».

It should be noted that the objective of the initiative is to improve food availability, the nutritional status of school-age children, the income of vulnerable households, and the governance of School canteens.
